circles Rakuten SixthSense is a leader again! 🏆 Ranked #1 in the Grid Reports for Application Performance Monitoring (APM) | Summer 2024 by G2. Check them out here!close iconcircles

Cognitive AIOps

Our advanced AI-powered platform empowers you with real-time data analysis and deep insights into your IT operations. From aggregating metric events, logs, and traces to utilizing machine learning algorithms, our AIOps solution provides a centralized and comprehensive view across multicloud environments.

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Advanced AI-powered issue detection for seamless performance

Rakuten SixthSense Data Observability Dashboard

Stay ahead of potential disruptions and prevent downtime with proactive detection of anomalies such as spikes, slow degradations, resource saturations, and outages.

Rakuten SixthSense Data Observability Dashboard

Accelerate issue detection with simultaneous AI correlations and a multilayer behavior lookup, reducing mean time to detect (MTTD) and instant incident resolution.

Rakuten SixthSense Data Observability Dashboard

Rapidly identify problems in unfamiliar scenarios by learning and memorizing their patterns to prevent potential high-impact errors.


Turbocharge anomaly detection

Enable real-time monitoring for various anomalies across any number of application performance metrics.
Eliminate false positives and prioritize only what's actionable by classifying severity of anomalies as per criticality.


COGAI complexity Graph

Harness multivariate analysis

Experience rapid and pinpoint root-cause analysis into vital application anomalies by analyzing relationships between multiple time-series metrics.
Significantly reduce false positives by excluding univariate anomalies.
Easily evaluate and compare the impact of anomalous metrics across components to ensure the most relevant and important are raised.
Real-time alerts and notifications for any data anomalies

Deliver superior performance with dynamic baselining

Leverage dynamic baselining to automate threshold-setting for alerts across every metric, ensuring maximum resource efficiency and service consistency.
Gain the highest level of reliability with adaptable benchmarks that incorporate real-time seasonality in anomaly detection.
Traces of data transformations


Browse our integrations to find the perfect fit for your needs


Why Rakuten SixthSense?

