Rakuten announces launch of its enterprise grade data watchdog, Rakuten SixthSense Data Observability! Check out here

Leveraging Distributed Tracing for Improved Software Reliability and User Experience

In today's highly competitive digital landscape, the reliability and performance of software systems are paramount for business success. Implementing distributed tracing can be a strategic investment to enhance software quality, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

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An Organization operates a complex, microservices-based software ecosystem that faces several challenges:


Latency issues

Users experience slow response times during peak usage periods, leading to frustration and potential revenue loss.


Unpredictable errors

Unexplained errors and outages occur, causing disruptions in service and tarnishing our reputation.


Resource inefficiencies

Lack of visibility into resource utilization across services, resulting in unnecessary infrastructure costs.


Limited root cause analysis

Debugging and diagnosing issues across microservices are time-consuming and hinder rapid issue resolution.

Rakuten SixthSense Distributed tracing plays a significant role in enhancing observability within complex software systems. It increases the ability to gain insights into the inner workings of a system by collecting and analysing data about its components and interactions. Here's how Rakuten SixthSense distributed tracing contributes to observability

End-to-end visibility


Provides a holistic view of how requests traverse through a system composed of multiple services. It captures the entire journey of a request, from the initial user interaction through various microservices and external dependencies. This end-to-end visibility is crucial for understanding the system's behaviour.

End-to-end visibility

Request correlation


Assigns a unique trace ID to each user request and propagates it across service boundaries. This correlation allows you to trace a request's path through the system and see how it interacts with different services. You can easily follow the flow of a specific user's request, even if it spans multiple microservices.

Request Correlation

Latency analysis


By capturing timing information for each span (i.e., the individual units of work within a trace), distributed tracing helps you identify performance bottlenecks and latency issues. You can pinpoint which service or component is causing delays, helping with root cause analysis and performance optimization.

Latency Analysis

Dependency mapping


Automatically build dependency maps that show the relationships between services and how they interact. This map helps you understand which services rely on others and where potential points of failure or contention might exist.


Error detection and troubleshooting


In addition to measuring latency, distributed tracing records errors and exceptions that occur during request processing. When an error is detected, you can quickly trace it back to the source, making it easier to diagnose and resolve issues. This is especially valuable in identifying transient errors or sporadic issues.

Error detection and Troubleshooting

Performance metrics


Provides fine-grained performance metrics for each span, including execution time, resource consumption, and network latency. These metrics are invaluable for optimizing service performance and resource allocation.

Performance Metrics

Alerting and monitoring


You can set up alerts based on specific conditions detected within traces. For instance, if a critical service consistently exhibits high latency or generates a high error rate, an alert can be triggered, allowing you to proactively address issues before they impact users.

Alerting and monitoring

Capacity planning


Data can be used for capacity planning and resource provisioning. By understanding how services interact and their resource consumption patterns, you can ensure that your infrastructure scales appropriately to handle expected loads.

Capacity Planning

Security and compliance


Tracing can aid in security audits and compliance checks. It helps track data flows and access patterns, ensuring that sensitive data is handled securely and that security policies are enforced consistently across services.

Security Compliance

Continuous improvement


Observability, powered by distributed tracing, promotes a culture of continuous improvement. Teams can use the insights gained from tracing data to make informed decisions about code changes, optimizations, and architectural adjustments.

Continuous improvement

Key benefits of
Rakuten SixthSense

Improved user experience

Reduced Latency


Enables real-time monitoring and analysis of service response times. You can quickly identify and rectify latency bottlenecks, leading to faster user interactions.

Error reduction


By tracing error flows, you can proactively detect and mitigate issues, reducing the frequency and impact of user-facing errors.

Data-driven decisions

Performance optimization


Detailed performance metrics from tracing data empower development teams to make informed decisions about optimizing code and services.

Scalability planning


You can forecast resource needs and scale services efficiently based on historical usage patterns.

Cost optimization

Efficient resource allocation


Provides insights into resource usage. You can right size our infrastructure, eliminating over-provisioning and reducing operational costs.

Operational efficiency

Rapid issue resolution


Engineers can easily trace the root causes of problems, accelerating incident resolution and minimizing downtime.


Proactive Alerting: You can set up automated alerts based on predefined thresholds for latency, errors, or resource consumption, allowing us to address issues before they impact users.

ROI and cost analysis

Improved user retention


Faster response times and fewer errors lead to improved user satisfaction, reducing churn and increasing customer lifetime value.


Infrastructure Cost Reduction: Right-sizing infrastructure based on tracing data can result in significant savings.


Reduced Engineering Time: Engineers spend less time debugging and troubleshooting, allowing them to focus on feature development.

Risks and mitigations

Initial overhead


Implementing tracing may introduce a slight overhead in terms of computational resources. However, this is outweighed by the long-term benefits of improved performance and reduced resource waste.


Integration Complexity: Properly instrumenting existing services might require some effort, but libraries and tools are readily available to simplify integration.