Rakuten SixthSense is a leader again!🏆 Ranked #1 in the Grid Reports for Application Performance Monitoring (APM) | Summer 2024 by G2. Check them out here!close icon


Elevate Telecom Services with Rakuten SixthSense

As the telecom sector continues its transformative journey, the demand for real-time application performance monitoring and swift resolution becomes paramount. Ensuring optimal performance across diverse applications, especially with the prevalence of OTT platforms and evolving digital services, is a challenge that telecom operators face regularly.

Rakuten SixthSense offers an unparalleled solution designed exclusively for telecom operators, addressing the intricacies of application performance. By providing a panoramic view of the application's ecosystem, SixthSense ensures that operators can identify, diagnose, and resolve issues swiftly, culminating in superior user experiences and elevated service standards.

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Key Benefits

Granular application monitoring


Obtain real-time insights into application health, responsiveness, and user engagement, ensuring consistent high-quality service delivery.


Seamlessly integrate with diverse telecom applications, from billing platforms to OTT services, gaining end-to-end observability.

Swift issue identification and resolution


Proactively pinpoint bottlenecks, service glitches, and performance degradation using the power of SixthSense's APM, Browser App, and Mobile App Monitoring modules.


Leverage the Trace Correlation feature for faster Root Cause Analysis (RCA), ensuring minimum downtime and enhanced user experience.

Advanced predictive capabilities


Utilize Cognitive AIOps-based Predictive Alerting to anticipate potential system anomalies and address them proactively.


Dynamic Baseline Alerting ensures the system’s adaptability, effectively reducing noise and focusing on genuine threats, leading to improved operational efficiency.


Revitalize Network Reliability with
Rakuten SixthSense

Historical Context

In December 2018, a leading UK telecom provider, experienced a significant network outage impacting millions of users across the UK. The disruption halted data services and caused widespread dissatisfaction among personal and business customers. This event not only impacted a the UK based service provider but also other mobile operators globally that relied on the same third-party software. Financially, it led to substantial compensations, with estimates suggesting that the UK telecom provider might have lost up to ÂŁ100 million ($127 million) due to this disruption.

Rakuten SixthSense presents a revolutionary solution tailored to combat such challenges in the telecom domain, ensuring network reliability and customer trust retention.

Key Benefits

Unwavering application oversight


Maintain constant vigilance over application health and performance, swiftly detecting anomalies to prevent large-scale disruptions.


Integrate seamlessly with various telecom applications, from billing platforms to OTT services, ensuring end-to-end observability and consistency.

Swift mitigation and redressal


Utilize real-time monitoring to detect issues at the inception stage, facilitating quicker resolution and minimizing downtime.


The SixthSense platform's Trace Correlation for Faster RCA aids in pinpointing the root cause, ensuring rapid redressal and reducing the risk of reoccurrence.

Customer trust reinforcement


Ensure consistent service delivery and uphold network promises, crucial for customer retention and brand reputation.


Leverage the platform's smart alerting and predictive capabilities to stay a step ahead, ensuring minimal disruptions and maintaining the trust of millions of subscribers.