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Transforming the
Manufacturing Industry
with Rakuten SixthSense

5 mins

Bhargav Tej Reddy

September 12, 2023

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A New Lens on Manufacturing: Harnessing the Power of APM

The manufacturing industry is a complex and multifaceted ecosystem, replete with numerous moving parts. From production to logistics, each segment requires fine-tuning and an unfailing ability to anticipate challenges. Technology, in many forms, is the lifeblood of this intricate machine, with myriad applications built into each step of the process. However, one crucial tool is often overlooked by manufacturers: Application Performance Monitoring (APM).

As a manufacturing leader, you might be thinking, "APM? That's a tech company thing, right?"

This is where we encounter a common misconception. APM is not exclusively a tech-domain tool. It's a universal solution that enhances efficiency, reduces downtime, and aids in troubleshooting. But the potential benefits for the manufacturing industry are perhaps even more significant. This is where Rakuten SixthSense enters the scene, an observability tool that is not just any traditional APM solution but something more substantial and accessible.

The Untapped Potential of APM Tools in Manufacturing

Historically, APM tools have been viewed as something primarily relevant to tech companies. But today's manufacturing landscape, shaped by Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT), is inextricably linked to technology. Connected devices on factory floors, AI-driven automation, and real-time data analytics have led to a proliferation of software applications in the industry.

Despite this, there's an unwarranted perception that APM tools are complex and meant only for IT engineers or large tech firms.

However, ignoring the benefits of APM tools is equivalent to turning a blind eye to a trove of insights, which can lead to better decision-making, enhanced operational efficiency, and increased cost savings. Just as every business uses applications for various tasks, every business needs APM. It provides visibility into your software's performance, identifying issues before they become major problems.

Rakuten SixthSense: Redefining APM for all

Traditional APM tools might feel out of reach for a manufacturing firm, either due to complexity or the perception that they’re designed only for tech companies. Rakuten SixthSense challenges this notion. It's a solution that's built to cater to every user, regardless of their technical proficiency.

Rakuten SixthSense, unlike many APM tools, is designed with usability in mind. It allows for easy tracking of application performance, equipping even the 'average Joe' with the ability to identify and resolve potential issues. With intuitive interfaces and user-friendly dashboards, Rakuten SixthSense demystifies the world of APM, making it accessible to anyone within your organization.

Breaking Down Barriers

In a realm traditionally dominated by tech specialists, Rakuten SixthSense emerges as a democratizing force. It recognizes that in an era of digital interconnectivity, everyone needs to have a basic understanding of their IT landscape.

Here's how SixthSense is making APM accessible for the 'average Joe':

  • Simplified User Interface: Rakuten SixthSense boasts a straightforward, easy-to-navigate dashboard that showcases application health and performance metrics. It empowers non-tech professionals to comprehend and leverage the data that was once the domain of IT engineers.
  • Comprehensive Support: Unlike traditional APM vendors that may offer limited support for certain applications, Rakuten SixthSense supports a wide array of business-critical applications, including those that might not be widely covered. The Rakuten team works collaboratively with companies to ensure all their applications are monitored effectively.

Real-Life Incidents: The Power of Prevention

To underscore the power of APM tools like Rakuten SixthSense, let's examine two real-life incidents that could have been mitigated or even avoided with such a tool:

Incident 1: Unplanned Downtime

In 2022, a major car manufacturer had to halt production for several hours due to a failure in one of their IT applications that controlled a significant part of their assembly line. This resulted in substantial financial losses and delayed deliveries.

With Rakuten SixthSense, this incident could have been prevented. Its proactive alerting system would have identified the anomaly before it escalated into a full-blown problem, thus averting the costly downtime.

Incident 2: Inefficiencies in Production

In another instance, a food processing company found that their production output was inconsistent and often fell short of the target. The root cause was traced back to a software application controlling the production line, which was not operating optimally.

Had Rakuten SixthSense been employed, it could have identified the inefficient application and highlighted the performance issue. Armed with this insight, the company could have rectified the problem, resulting in smoother operations and consistent production output.

With Rakuten SixthSense you get:
  1. Enhance Operational Efficiency: APM tools help streamline your operations by identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your applications. By providing insights into the root causes of these issues, Rakuten SixthSense can help you optimize your processes and enhance overall efficiency.
  2. Improve Product Quality: Any glitch in your IT system can lead to production faults and inferior product quality. Rakuten SixthSense can detect such glitches before they disrupt your production, ensuring consistent quality and customer satisfaction.
  3. Reduce Downtime: Unplanned downtime is a huge cost for manufacturers. SixthSense's predictive capabilities can help you prevent such instances, saving you time and money, and increasing your bottom line.
  4. Boost Innovation: By freeing up your resources from firefighting IT issues, SixthSense allows your team to focus on what truly matters - innovation and value creation.

Collaborative Efforts to Support the Manufacturing Industry

Rakuten SixthSense is committed to assisting the manufacturing industry in navigating the complex landscape of application performance. Beyond just providing a tool, they aim to foster a partnership with manufacturers, offering tailored support and guidance to maximize the efficiency and productivity of their operations.

To conclude, APM is not just for tech companies or IT engineers anymore. With Rakuten SixthSense, anyone armed with a bit of knowledge can make use of this powerful tool to streamline operations, reduce downtime, and ultimately, drive business success. It's time we redefine our understanding of APM and harness its potential to transform the manufacturing industry.