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Test Acceleration Platform

Maximize efficient resource utilization and deliver quality value propositions ahead of schedule with our cutting-edge Test
Acceleration Platform. Tap into the Future of Innovation with Rakuten SixthSense Test Acceleration Platform and revolutionize your testing process.

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Empower your testing workflow with a single no-code Automation Platform

Single Automation Platform for all your testing needs (GUI, API, Mobile, End-to-End and Manual Testing).

No-Code, Low-Code Platform so that anyone can create, execute, and maintain the test cases.

Reduced Test Maintenance with Self-healing test cases to eliminate flakiness.

Seamless Integrations with your everyday DevOps tools

Model-based testing

Increased Test coverage by automatically generating test scenarios based on models and navigation paths.
Compare models to verify the correctness and expected behaviours of the test scenarios.
Automatic generation of test cases from the test scenarios for accelerated test execution.
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Automation and Manual testing

One platform with comprehensive testing capabilities.
Simplify test case creation and accelerate test automation with API testing and GUI testing with the GUI recorder feature.
Mobile Testing to ensure the functionality and compatibility of your application across different mobile devices and platforms Comprehensive end to end testing to validate the entire workflow and functionality.
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Test case management and Requirement Traceability Matrix

Streamline your manual and automation Test Case Management by mapping test cases to requirements and ensure all requirements are tested and validated.
Centralised view of mapped requirements and test cases for simplified tracking and managing testing progress.
Maintain a history of test case versions for easy tracking of changes, comparisons, and rollbacks and analysing the impact on test coverage.
Built-in Review mechanism and commenting on test cases ensuring effective collaboration among your teams and improved test quality.
Effortless migration from any tools enabling a smooth transition.
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Flexible test executions

One-click test executions with no infrastructure and tool hassles to run your tests.
Support for Parallel and serial executions to improve testing efficiency.
Define and manage the execution schedule of tests using Test Scheduler without manual intervention.
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Integration capabilities

Integration with Jira for better collaboration, traceability and issue tracking.
Enable continuous testing by integrating with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, GitHub and CircleCI.
Streamlined test executions within your existing workflows.
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Reports and analytics

Intuitive dashboards to view insights on test executions, fail trends, test plans, and success rate.
View, share, and download summary and individual reports from test executions.
Realtime visibility and actionable insights.
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